Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosure
Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosure
Pursuant to California AB 1305, this is to report that WD-40 Company and its affiliates (collectively, the “Company”) neither trades in, purchases or uses carbon offsets in any way, nor does it make any claims regarding the achievement of net zero emissions, being carbon neutral, or having made specific reductions in the Company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As provided in our 2022 ESG Report, WD-40 Company completed a full organizational life cycle assessment (O-LCA) that included Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions and extended to all products across our global markets. This O-LCA provided us with a modelling tool that enabled us to develop scenarios to assess the likely results of various mitigation efforts aimed at reducing our environmental impact, including GHG emissions, impacts to human health, and other environmental impacts. We are currently in the process of developing goals and metrics regarding our GHG emissions and will report on them as soon as they are established.